简介:A woman finds that her neighbors are terrorists, and her husband is not who he claims to [email protected]...* src="https://abyss-static.anei.tv/js/adcgys.j
简介: A diverse cast of trailblazing women, set out to answer the question: what exactly does it take to be a Gutsy Woman?* src="https://abyss-static.anei
简介: A diverse cast of trailblazing women, set out to answer the question: what exactly does it take to be a Gutsy Woman?* src="https://abyss-static.anei
简介: 雷奥(克里斯多弗·兰伯特 Christopher Lambert 饰)曾经是一名出尽风头的拳击手,退役后来到加勒比海边的小城卡塔赫纳定居。然而告别了辉煌的职业生涯,他突然对生活茫然无措,只终日混迹酒吧颓废度日。直到有一天,他迫于生计应聘了一个护工工作,负责照看一个因车祸导致全身瘫痪的女人莫伊尔(
简介:沃特(丹泽尔•华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)是一名纽约地铁调度员,负责控制各条线路的调配运营。某日,一群恐怖分子劫持了地铁123号线,匪首雷德(约翰•屈伏塔 John Travolt...* src="https://abyss-static.anei.tv/js/adcgys.j