简介:一個患有躁鬱症男孩的成長故事:提姆每每發作,就不能自制,言行失控、惡言傷人。母親雖心痛,卻從不責備他,也不放棄任何希望。但提姆不但沒好轉,到了青春期,反而更封閉自己,連最愛他的母親也無可奈何,迫不得已送他到療養院。 在專業醫療環境中,加上全家人用愛與耐心陪伴協助,提姆得以一步一步走回正軌。* sr
简介:This local South African movie is a simple story and focuses on a period of time in history which has been neglected in terms of good quality movies.
简介:Follows ten year-old Johnny who stands out in different aspects way beyond his age. Things change when his new teacher sees his potential, believes in