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    Reassigned from TV to radio, a frustrated anchor sees both danger and opportunity when he receives threatening calls on the air.bywww.qujuji.com  Electronic Media Exposed  Anwar Says An Anchor is an actor , Actor needs audience and audience need drama, these three lines expose the electronic media today in Ram Madhvani's release today DHAMAKA at Netflix. A remake of 2013 Korean Film 'The Terror Live 'and shot in only 10 days and the credit goes to Neerja and Aarya director and the Superstar in making Kartik Aaryan.  Madhvani idea of filming is at loggerheads with the area the film is traversing, he is more into explosion , probably since the title is Dhamaka . I liked the way Aaryan Khan's initial life has been shown in the opening song . No other cast has been given much exposure and passing on the buck is the way of corporate life has been perfectly narrated . At points the movie seems going slow but suddenly picks up . Madhvani has been able to drumming up the tensions and also able to sustain it .  A new trend set by Madhvani , the main cast carries the whole movie on hisher shoulder, whether it was Sonam Kapur or Sushmita Sen and now Kartik Aarayan . Watch it today after India- Newzealand 20-20 for stealing performance of Aaryan.  #Netflix #anwarsays #DhamakaOnNetflix #kartikaaryan #movie2021 #moviereview #RamMadhvani #ElectronicMedia #sealink #explosion #tvanchor.


    • 6.0正片楚萨娅Наталья Романычева,Евгений Ткачук,Кирилл Полухин
    • 3.0超清憨嘉郑人硕,李亦捷,陈慕义,吴佳珊,
    • 10.0正片反贪风暴2(普通话版)古天乐,张智霖,周渝民,蔡少芬,林保怡
    • 10.0正片超人(粤语版)克里斯托弗·里夫,马龙·白兰度,吉恩·哈克曼,尼德·巴蒂,杰基·库珀,格伦·福特,特瑞沃·霍华德,玛戈·基德,杰克·奥哈罗兰,瓦莱丽·佩莱恩,玛丽亚·雪儿,特伦斯·斯坦普,菲莉丝·德丝达,苏珊娜·约克,杰夫·伊斯特,马克·麦克卢尔,莎拉·道格拉斯
    • 3.0更新HD加勒比海盗2:亡灵的宝藏国语约翰尼·德普,奥兰多·布鲁姆,凯拉·奈特莉,杰克·达文波特,比尔·奈伊,乔纳森·普雷斯,李·阿伦伯格,麦肯锡·克鲁克,凯文·麦克纳利,大卫·拜利,斯特兰·斯卡斯加德,汤姆·霍兰德尔,娜奥米·哈里斯,马丁·科勒巴,大卫·斯科菲尔德,亚力克斯·诺顿,劳伦·马赫,内杰·亚当森,卢克·德·沃夫松,德里克·奥康纳,德莫特·基尼,克里夫·阿什伯恩,罗比·基,麦克斯·贝克,史蒂夫·斯皮尔斯,约翰·博斯沃尔,克里斯托弗·亚当森,安迪·比克维奇,乔纳森·林斯利,西蒙·米考克,瓦妮莎·布兰奇,大卫·斯特恩,安东尼·帕特里西奥
    • 2.0超清死吻拉尔夫·米克,阿尔伯特·德科,保罗·斯图尔特,Joe,Hernandez,杰克·兰伯特,Silvio,Minciotti,Mort,Marshall,James,McCallion,Ben,Morris,伦纳德米迪,Robert,Sherman,Paul,Richards,Mady,Comfort,加比·罗杰斯,James,Seay,Leigh,Snowden,Kitty,White,佩尔西·赫尔顿,John,George,Sam,Balter,斯特罗瑟·马丁,克萝丽丝·利奇曼,Bing,Russell,
    • 3.0HD预言桑德拉·布洛克,朱利安·麦克马洪,肖恩·麦克卢
    • 8.0正片独立日(粤语版)威尔·史密斯,杰夫·高布伦,比尔·普尔曼,玛丽·麦克唐纳,贾德·赫希,罗伯特·劳吉亚,兰迪·奎德,玛格丽特·柯林,薇薇卡·福克斯,詹姆斯·瑞布霍恩,哈维·费斯特恩,亚当·鲍德温,布伦特·斯皮内,詹姆斯·杜瓦尔,莉萨·雅克布,杰赛普·安德鲁斯,罗斯·巴格利,比尔·斯米托洛维奇,梅·惠特曼,小哈里·康尼克,绮尔斯腾·瓦伦,约翰·斯托里,弗兰克·诺瓦克,德文·古梅尔萨尔,吉姆·皮多克
    • 1.0HD神威天使龚幼春,李雅雅,贾瑞新,任乃长
    • 6.0超清战俘列车弗兰克·辛纳特拉,特瑞沃·霍华德,拉法艾拉·卡拉,布拉德·德克斯特,赛尔乔·凡托尼,约翰·莱顿
    • 1.0正片狙击手:环球反应与情报小组查德·科林斯,瑞安·罗宾斯,卢娜·藤本靜
    • 4.0HD总统刺杀令Daryl,Hannah,Doug,Savant,兰道尔·洛威,Randall,Lowell

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