简介:The film explores the life, philosophy and impact of one of the most influential early 20th century modernists, Marcel Duchamp. The film breaks down D
简介:梅尔·吉布森、凯特·波茨沃斯出演新片[自然之力](Force Of Nature,暂译)本片由麦克·鲍力施执导,科里·米勒撰写剧本本片讲述一名警察在飓风疏散过程中必须保护建筑物内的剩余居民,而犯罪分子则试图在建筑物内实施神秘抢劫。吉布森饰演一位固执的退休侦探,他拒绝疏散,并对出现在他家门口的窃贼进行
简介:Post-nuclear-war dramas centering on a small group of survivors now constitute an entire genre in science-fiction films. All of them, in some way or a
简介:After a dying Voodoo queen chooses an adopted apprentice as her successor, her true heir is outraged. Seeking revenge, he buys the bones of Blacula th
简介:电影改编自法国剧作家西里·贾里(Cyril Gely),2011年大获成功的同名舞台剧故事主要发生在1944年8月24日夜晚,巴黎里沃利街上的(Rue de Rivoli)莫里斯酒店(Hotel Meurice)里这座建于18世纪的酒店历史丰富,据说拿破仑的情妇还踏上过隐秘的后楼梯。当时,酒店则是肖