简介:故事发生在《终结者2》10年之后,终结者又回来了。此时John Connor(Nick Stahl) 饰)已经22岁,他的母亲去世后,他过着隐姓埋名的生活,不愿意面对即将到来的命运。但是,命运并不以他的意志为转移,“天网”经历了两个失败之后,派出了更为先进的T-X终结者(Kristanna Lok
简介:John Wood left the pieces of a broken civilisation behind, to go back to his roots in the woodland, after a virus pandemic struck the world. Residing
简介:Average Texas teen, Billie Jean Davy, is caught up in an odd fight for justice. She is usually followed and harrased around by local boys, who, one da
简介:Petty Officer Michael Davis (Jeremy Davis) is the newbie to SEAL Team VI, but after his first mission the young soldier is weathered beyond hid years.