简介:纳丘(Jack Black 杰克•布莱克 饰)自幼父母双亡,他在墨西哥瓦哈卡的一家孤儿院度过了自己的童年时光。成年后他并未离开这里,而是以厨师的身份留在孤儿院为孩子们烧菜做饭,他们都很喜欢这位温柔和爱的胖叔叔。 但是,孤儿院的生计开始陷入困境,因资金短缺,这里将面临着关闭的命运。纳丘不愿看到孩子们无
简介: Nikola? was abandoned at birth and has been in foster care ever since. Although a family would like to give the sixteen-year-old boy a home, he decid
简介:Condemned to see only when the night falls, the abandoned blind sisters with the untraceable past, Louise and Henriette, share a horrible secret. Thei
简介:阖家团圆的圣诞节即将到来,但年轻而又富有的小伙子德鲁(本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck 饰)却陷入了忧郁之中,因为他不仅举目无亲,而且深爱的女友在不久之前离开了自己。华灯初上的街道和对节日期待满满...* src="https://abyss-static.anei.tv/js/adcgys.j