简介:The tragic toxic waste case in the East Midlands and three mothers fighting for the justice for the rates of upper limb defects in babies born in Corb
简介:The tragic toxic waste case in the East Midlands and three mothers fighting for the justice for the rates of upper limb defects in babies born in Corb
简介:电影Hot Tub Time Machine 2《热浴盆时光机2》剧情承接上作,当卢正沉醉于成为“互联网之父”时,却不幸遭到一名不明身份的袭击者枪击,性命危在旦夕,为了再次拯救他们的朋友,雅各布和尼克再次启动了时间机器——热浴盆时光机。* src="https://abyss-static.anei
简介:硬汉托马斯·贝克特(汤姆·贝伦杰 Tom Berenger饰)是一位美国海军陆战队的老兵。然而冷酷无情的贝克特却因为曾经不顾他的战友而臭名昭著。这一次,美国情报部门派遣年轻的神枪手理查德·米勒(比利·赞恩 Billy Zane饰)与贝克特搭档,前往巴拿马完成一次刺杀任务。亦敌亦友的一老一少深入丛林,