简介:先声夺人/美国之声/美国好声音第四季_随着乡村歌手Blake Shelton即将来到NBC真人秀《The Voice》,第四位也是最后一位入场的明星教练最终尘埃落定去年秋天,Shelton曾在第44届乡村音乐奖上获得年度最佳男歌手提名,同时还登上过美国乡村音乐界历史最悠久的音乐会Grand Ole
简介:Horizon meets the two men who uncovered Stuxnet, the pioneers of ultra-paranoid computing, a white-hat hacker who showed out how to hac k into stand a
简介: In Los Angeles, a remarkable experiment is underway; the police are trying to predict crime, before it even happen At the heart of the city of Lond